5 Things You Must Know About Fabric Sofas

5 Things You Must Know About Fabric Sofas

Are you wondering what the benefits of a fabric sofa are? Our expert stylist, Katie, has shared her top styling tips and interior knowledge so that you’ve got all the info you need to pick the fabric sofa of your dreams. Starting with how to choose a fabric sofa.

Choosing the right fabric

Your sofa is an opportunity to set the theme of your room. Katie explains: “Fabric sofas can add texture and colour to your space. Whether that’s a soft boucle that you can’t stop running your hands over every time you walk past or a beautiful woven, nubbly texture, or a smooth plush velvet. If you pick the right fabric for your lifestyle there’s no reason a fabric sofa shouldn’t be the anchor point to your living room for years to come.”

There are lots of material options on the market, choosing one that is comfortable and soft, creates a real warm, cosy and inviting feeling. Not only are they also cost-effective, but they’re made with high-quality durable fabrics so will withstand wear.

Colours that work with fabric sofas

If you love to style your rooms, your sofa needs to be flexible and versatile as you swap out new prints, pillows and throws each season. Do you want your sofa to blend in beautifully with its surroundings or act as a statement piece?

Neutral colour sofas are a great starting point for accessorising and pulling in what you already have, to compliment your new look. Think greys, champagnes or neutrals, all of them allow you versatility and a range of options when matching colours back to your new sofa.

Darker colours can also work well, opting for something like a blue makes your sofa the statement of the room. They instantly bring a cosy feeling to the room and are easy to maintain and look cleaner for longer.

Select the shape to fit your space

When choosing your fabric sofa, take inspiration from your room and what you already have. What style of furniture is already in your home and what are you drawn to? Katie says: “Echo that in the lines of your sofa, if you love mid-century choose a sofa that has thin legs and a squarer style. If you prefer more of a modern look, go for a more rounded shape.”

Fabric sofas are versatile and are available in every shape imaginable - there are no rules, just the idea of what you want from your space. What do you want to come home to? Curl up in and watch a film in? Katie says: “Choose a sofa you love rather than just picking one because its trendy now and you will probably still love it in 10 years’ time, and that’s really all that matters.”

If you have space and want to create an inviting and cosy space in your home, a corner chaise like the Brooks range or the Serene is a great option to add seating without closing space off with sofa arms. Katie’s top 3 benefits are:

 It creates a cosy conversation area if placed in the corner of a room.

  1. If you have your sofa away from the wall it also allows easier flow around it.
  2. A chaise allows people to sit on it from different sides, put their feet up or place a tray on it. It’s just so versatile!

How do you clean a fabric sofa?

Whichever fabric you choose, if you’re wondering what’s the best way to clean a fabric sofa, maintenance is your friend.

Here are Danetti Stylist, Katie’s top tips for keep your fabric sofa clean:

  • When you buy the sofa, find out what’s best to clean it with. What do the manufacturers recommend? Test it on an unseen part of the sofa beforehand: does it change the colour or damage the finish? Avoid harsh cleaners.
  • Hoover your sofa to get rid of dust and crumbs regularly.
  • Always blot a spill - don’t wipe it around.
  • Make sure you think about the kind of use the fabric will have.

Do you have kids or pets? Do you Entertain a lot? Look for a performance fabric. There are so many available now, it really won’t limit your choices.

Don’t try change your behaviour/life to adapt to your furnishings, your furnishings are there to enrich your life not to give you extra chores.

There are no rules to complimenting your sofa

There are no rules! Try and contrast textures and shapes; a squarer sofa looks nice with a round or curved coffee table. Round coffee tables also work with the flow of the space if people need to walk past it often. Just make sure that wherever your guests sit down, you have somewhere within easy reach to put down a drink.

Katie explains: “For a fabric sofa, always remember to plump up your cushions. Adding extra cushions can provide more support and a throw is always nice over an arm when it comes to styling. Don’t forget a pouffe so you can pop your feet up and really relax!” 


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